"Membela Hak Orang Sengsara dan Orang yang Kekurangan"

Artikel (19)
Obestaf Sakerebau (68) and Sumi Astuti Siritoitet (56), elderly husband and wife living themselves in Barat hamlet of Silabu Village as the three children of them have got married. They have been participating in CDRM&CDS’ partner households empowerment program since 2016. “Though I’m old I have to do farming to…
The spread of Covid-19 throughout the world is increasing including in Indonesia.In Mentawai Islands District, there were seven positive case of Covid-19. The Society life became paralyzed and made their anxiety higher than before. For almost three months the community have to stay away from the crowd and religious activity…
Mrs Jernita Sababalat (38 years old) from the Makukuet Hamlet, Matobe Village, Mentawai is a woman with a disability. She is a mother of 3 children. When the CDRM & CDS team visited her house, she was busy serving buyers in her small stall which is supported by CDRM &…
Armaulian Samongilailai (70) an elder woman from Pasibbuat hamlet of Taikako Village has been actively engaged in socialization of Covid-19 prevention in community. She is a village health worker since 2018. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Mentawai islands in April 2020, she has been engaged with CDRM&CDS in distribution…
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CDRM & CDS | Medan
Jl. Bunga Rampai V
Porlak Nommensen
Simalingkar B, Medan,
Sumatera Utara 20135
Phone / Fax (62) 8227-7041-999


CDRM & CDS | Mentawai
Kantor Pusat GKPM Nemnemleleu
Desa Sikakap, Kecamatan Sikakap
Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Sumatera Barat 25391


CDRM & CDS | Nias
Jl. Sutomo No. 32, Mudik
Gunung Sitoli, Nias
Sumatera Utara 22815