"Membela Hak Orang Sengsara dan Orang yang Kekurangan"

A Housewife and Leader

Life has gradually changed. Women role in Nias in particular used to be confined to bearing and taking care of children, working in the kitchen and gardening. Now women can work in public domain and outside home. This change has come through gradually through long struggle and learning about gender equality.

Erlina Waruwu (39) a mother of six children has participated in many activities and become the Secretary to Nazalou’s Village-0wned Enterprise, and the Chair to “Sahabat” Farmer Group and a member of women group in Nazalou Village. Since 2009 CDRM&CDS has worked in Nazalou Village in which Erlina Waruwu has been an active woman in many groups and activities.

Being active member of group and organization makes Erlina happy. She recalled how before 2009 she had very limited knowledge and never joined any group and had no courage to speak in public. “After joining groups and meetings facilitated by CDRM&CDS since 2009, my horizon and confidence have developed and now I can lead meetings and speak in public and lead a saving and credit group “Simpan Pinjam” in Nazalou. I have developed a tailoring business with money I borrowed from the saving and credit group” Erlina told.

Taking care of her family is part of Erlina’s shared responsibility with her husband Yaaman Zega. Erlina manages her time well for her family and groups she joins and her husband very much supports Erlina’s engagement with groups.

Written by : Ertatina Zebua

CDRM&CDS’ Community Facilitator in Nazalou Lolowua dan We’a-we’a Villages

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