Children categories
Gereja Mitra CDRM&CDS
AMIN | Angowuloa Masehi Indonesia Nias |
BNKP | Banua Niha Keriso Protestan (mengundurkan diri dari kemitraan sejak 2013) |
GKLI | Gereja Kristen Lutheran Indonesia |
GKPA | Gereja Kristen Protestan Angkola |
GKPI | Gereja Kristen Protestan Indonesia |
GKPM | Gereja Kristen Protestan di Mentawai |
GKPPD | Gereja Kristen Protestan Pakpak Dairi |
GKPS | Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun |
GPP | Gereja Protestan Persekutuan |
GPKB | Gereja Punguan Kristen Batak |
HKBP | Huria Kristen Batak Protestan |
HKI | Huria Kristen Indonesia |
Project Advisory Board
Project Advisory Board | Nias
1. | Pdt Sarofati Gea,S.Th | Gereja AMIN |
2. | Idaman Gulo, S.Th | Gereja AMIN |
3. | Kepler Silaban | Direktur CDRM&CDS UHN |
4. | Dedi Valentino Telambanua | Field Coordinator CDRM&CDS UHN di Nias |
Project Advisory Board | Mentawai
1. | Pdt. Parlindungan Sababalat | Sekjend GKPM |
2. | Pdt. Rudiman Selelaubaja | Biro 2 GKPM |
3. | Japri Wandita Taileleu | Pengmas GKPM |
4. | Kepler Silaban | Direktur CDRM&CDS UHN |
5. | Fared Sirilileu | Field Coordinator CDRM&CDS UHN di Mentawai |
Project Advisory Board | Pakpak
1. | Pdt. Mangara Sinamo,M.Th | Sekjend GKPPD |
2. | Pdt.Asalma Berutu,S.Th,M.PdK | Diakonia |
3. | Kepler Silaban | Direktur CDRM&CDS-UHN |
CDRM&CDS Governing Body
Ketua : Dr. Ir. Jongkers Tampubolon, M.Sc
Pdt. T.S. Simatupang |
Pdt. Dame Sinaga |
Perwakilan Diakonia |
Pdt. Langsung Sitorus |
Pdt. Tuhoni Telaumbanua, Phd |
David Mueller |
Perwakilan LWF |
Pdt. Basa Hutabarat |
Pdt. E.J. Solin |
Kepler Silaban |
Non-Voting |
Medan, is where CDRM&CDS headquarter is located, with Simalingkar Village as its’ main project area. Simalingkar consists of two villages with total area of 850 ha that is prone to erosion, typhoon, and drought. Although this area is not as poor, marginalized or at risk to the effect of natural disasters as the other targeted areas, there are poor and marginalized people and groups who can and should benefit from both their proximity to CDRM & CDS office.
Pakpak is a region located in the main land of North Sumatera province, about 200 km away from Medan, the provincial capital. Pakpak is a poor and under developed region, and is vulnerable to landslides and erosion. Although Pakpak is an agriculture area, more than half of its area is protected forest, and only small percentage of its population owns land for farming. CDRM & CDS presence in this area is to build the capacity of the communities in disaster preparedness, and also empower them to understand their basic rights in relation to the development process and improving their livelihood.
Nias is the name of the islet that lies about 125 km off the western coast of North Sumatera Province. Currently Nias is divided into four districts: Nias, South Nias, West Nias, and North Nias, and one municipality: Gunung Sitoli. It covers an area of 5,121,32 km2 with a total population of 756,762. Nias is vulnerable to disasters, such as: earthquake, tsunami, flood, and landslide. CDRM&CDS works in 15 villages and serves community members, aims to build their capacity on disaster preparedness, development process and improving their livelihood.
Mentawai is a chain about seventy Islands, lies approximately 150 km on the West Sumatran coast across Mentawai straight. There are four main Islands, making up the chain including Siberut, Sipora, North and South Pagai, surrounded by many smaller ones. It covers an area of 6,011 km2, and very vulnerable to earth quake and tsunami. Most of the populations (68,097) live in these big Islands, relying on agriculture and animal husbandry as their main livelihood. CDRM&CDS works in 9 villages and serves community members, aims to build their capacity on disaster preparedness, development process and improving their livelihood.
Tujuan Umum
Sesuai rumusan Strategi Program di Indonesia, tujuan umum CDRM&CDS adalah "Memberikan kontribusi terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan melalui pemberdayaan berdasarkan hak di masyarakat pedesaan Indonesia, pengelolaan dan mitigasi bencana, kesempatan untuk melaksanakan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan, penguatan penanganan bencana, rehabilitasi dan organisasi pembangunan dan lembaga di Indonesia maupun di dunia internasional". Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, CDRM&CDS memusatkan perhatian pada ke 6 hal, dan menggabungkan beberapa pendekatan strategis dalam melaksanakan programnya.
Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS)

Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS) dibentuk pada bulan Agustus 2007, sebagai salah satu departemen di Universitas HKBP Nommensen. Pembentukan ini dilakukan melalui Program Perjanjian Kerjasama yang ditandatangani oleh Australian Lutheran World Services (ALWS), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Lutheran World Federation Department of World Services (LWF / DWS), Lutheran World Federation Department of Mission and Development (LWF / DMD), Komite Nasional LWF di Indonesia dan Universitas HKBP Nommensen.
Program CDRM & CDS dikembangkan melalui konsultasi dengan 12 gereja-gereja anggota LWF Indonesia, terutama yang berlokasi di provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Sumatera Barat.
Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian bagi sumber daya lokal, sumber daya keuangan, informasi dan jejaring di tingkat lokal maupun internasional.
Masyarakat adil, rukun dan bermartabat, bersatu dalam keanekaragaman dan berdaya untuk mendapatkan hak-hak azasi universal, memenuhi kebutuhan dasar dan kwalitas hidupnya.
Terinspirasi oleh kasih Allah terhadap manusia, CDRM&CDS merespon dan menghadapi penyebab dan akibat penderitaan dan kemiskinan manusia.
Nilai-Nilai Utama
- Martabat dan Keadilan
- Keprihatinan dan Komitmen
- Penghargaan atas Keanekaragaman
- Keterbukaan (Inklusi) dan Partisipasi
- Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas
- Latest Post
- Written on Jumat, 01 Juli 2022 00:00
LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN Program dari Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM & CDS) Universitas HKBP Nommensen, berfokus pada pengelolaan…Written on Selasa, 22 Maret 2022 00:00 Read more...
Our life is safer with this BPJS (health insurance) Card Obestaf Sakerebau (68) and Sumi Astuti Siritoitet (56), elderly husband and wife living themselves in Barat hamlet of Silabu Village…Written on Minggu, 20 Maret 2022 00:00
Do Not Panic - Beware, and Let's Do Prevention Mrs Jernita Sababalat (38 years old) from the Makukuet Hamlet, Matobe Village, Mentawai is a woman with a disability. She…Written on Rabu, 28 Juli 2021 00:00