People living with dignity and empowered to achieve their universal rights.

Programs (5)

10.Nov.2014 Be the first to comment! Written by

Focus on the right of assembly and association and the right to education.

CDRM&CDS will provide capacity building to development agencies from 29 districts at the Field Operational Center in Simalingkar in the fields of DRM and community development and empowerment according to their needs identified through Training Need Assessments (TNAs). After building up the organization capacity, CDRM&CDS aspires to extend this training to other national and international development and rights organizations in Indonesia and the South East Asian region to become an international training center, e.g. for AZEECON members.

10.Nov.2014 Be the first to comment! Written by

Focus on the right of assembly and association and the right to education.

CDRM&CDS recognizes that expertise is available within the church diaconal arms and will harness it for the good of all through the center. Church staff trained at the center will become better prepared to provide the social development and empowerment services and facilitation needed with their respective congregations and communities. Expertise from the Center will provide technical support for church projects such as emergency warehouse facility management or the organization of community disaster relief committees.  CDRM&CDS will also provide diaconal departments with relevant information and link them to networking and advocacy opportunities.

10.Nov.2014 Be the first to comment! Written by

Focus on social and cultural rights: the right to food, the right to education, the right to health care, the right to safe water and sanitation, and sustainable development.

CDRM&CDS will facilitate the empowerment of CBOs and congregations to improve food security and nutrition by providing capacity building and support for appropriate, environmentally friendly and sustainable integrated farming systems based on indigenous knowledge and to increase income by facilitating access to skill training and micro credit to enable them to engage in agricultural and small-scale industries activities. Furthermore, CDRM&CDS will facilitate the empowerment of communities to enable accessibility to and availability of both formal and non-formal education, primary health care services, and safe water and sanitation.

10.Nov.2014 Be the first to comment! Written by
  • Focus on the civil rights, political rights and cultural rights: the right to association, the right to participation, the right to raise voice and expression, the right to information, the right to human security, women’s rights and gender equality and local governance.

    CDRM&CDS will facilitate the empowerment process to enable communities, their CBOs and congregations to build up their capacities to lead and manage the development process effectively and efficiently. CBOs and congregations will be facilitated and empowered to assess their needs and rights, prepare annual development plans, mobilize own resources and network for external support, and to implement, monitor and evaluate their activities. CDRM&CDS will ensure that the poorest and vulnerable people will be included in the CBOs and congregations and participate actively in decision-making, the development process and associated activities. CBOs, congregations and their vulnerable community members will be empowered to know their rights and enabling them to assert their rights in order to hold the government at all levels as duty bearers accountable to take action to fulfill these rights. Simultaneously, high level government authorities will also be engaged by advocacy means to address raised concerns and to solve local conflicts.

10.Nov.2014 Be the first to comment! Written by

Focus on the rights to protection during emergencies and reduce disaster risk.

CDRM&CDS sees that disaster risk management and mitigation are key focuses of the program, which have to be linked with long term development. CDRM&CDS will facilitate the empowerment of vulnerable communities to enable them to reduce disaster risks and minimize disaster impact through provision of awareness and capacity building of CBOs, local authorities and congregations to enable them to organize relief, asses disasters, network for assistance for relief, prepare disaster management plans including disaster mapping, preparation and mitigation, and to implement mitigation projects. Communities will be empowered to mobilize own resources and to advocate duty bearers to provide assistance in case of emergencies, such as earthquakes, tsunami, droughts, floods, fire, landslides etc. CDRM&CDS also already had a membership with ACT (Action by Church Together) Alliance ( to get access to support for disaster relief, preparedness and mitigation.

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CDRM & CDS | Medan
Jl. Bunga Rampai V
Porlak Nommensen
Simalingkar B, Medan,
Sumatera Utara 20135
Phone / Fax (62) 8227-7041-999


CDRM & CDS | Mentawai
Kantor Pusat GKPM Nemnemleleu
Desa Sikakap, Kecamatan Sikakap
Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Sumatera Barat 25391


CDRM & CDS | Nias
Jl. Sutomo No. 32, Mudik
Gunung Sitoli, Nias
Sumatera Utara 22815