People living with dignity and empowered to achieve their universal rights.

CDRM&CDS Church Partner


AMIN Christian Communion of Indonesia Church in Nias
GKLI Christian Lutheran Church of Indonesia
GKPA Christian Protestant Church of Angkola
GKPI Christian Protestant Church of Indonesia
GKPM Christian Protestant Church in Mentawai
GKPPD Christian Protestant Church of Pakpak Dairi
GKPS Christian Protestant Church of Simalungun
GPP United Protestant Church
GPKB Christian Batak Communion Church
HKBP Christian Protestant Batak Church
HKI Christian Church of Indonesia
ONKP United Christian Protestant Church of Nias
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CDRM & CDS | Medan
Jl. Bunga Rampai V
Porlak Nommensen
Simalingkar B, Medan,
Sumatera Utara 20135
Phone / Fax (62) 8227-7041-999


CDRM & CDS | Mentawai
Kantor Pusat GKPM Nemnemleleu
Desa Sikakap, Kecamatan Sikakap
Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Sumatera Barat 25391


CDRM & CDS | Nias
Jl. Sutomo No. 32, Mudik
Gunung Sitoli, Nias
Sumatera Utara 22815