"Uphold The Rights of
Poor and Oppressed"

Focus on the right of assembly and association and the right to education.

CDRM&CDS will provide capacity building to development agencies from 29 districts at the Field Operational Center in Simalingkar in the fields of DRM and community development and empowerment according to their needs identified through Training Need Assessments (TNAs). After building up the organization capacity, CDRM&CDS aspires to extend this training to other national and international development and rights organizations in Indonesia and the South East Asian region to become an international training center, e.g. for AZEECON members.

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CDRM & CDS | Medan

Jl. Bunga Rampai V
Porlak Nommensen
Simalingkar B, Medan,
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Phone / Fax (62) 8227-7041-999


CDRM & CDS | Pakpak

Komplek Centrum GKPPD 
Jl. Air Bersih, Sidikalang
Sumatera Utara 22272


CDRM & CDS | Nias

Jl. Tirta No. 49 KBN
Gunung Sitoli, Nias
Sumatera Utara 22815


CDRM & CDS | Mentawai

Kantor Pusat GKPM Nemnemleleu
Desa Sikakap, Kecamatan Sikakap
Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Sumatera Barat 25391