"Membela Hak Orang Sengsara dan Orang yang Kekurangan"

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Markus Sababalat (41), the sub-village head of erkat Lama since 2012, recalled the impact of 2010’s tsunami that destroyed infrastructure including water tank in Berkat Lama sub-village. “The rehabilitation and reconstruction program from government has failed to address the need of the community in this sub-village. Five years after the 2010’s earthquake and tsunami, government failed to reconstruct the broken facilities for clean water in this sub-village. For 5 years, 231 villagers here struggled to walk 1 km to get clean water from the mountain, the only water source around and often conflicted one another for getting clean water” Markus recounted.

Markus recounted how then in 2016 the community in his sub-village managed to rebuild water tank jointly with CDRM&CDS “Every year since 2010, CDRM&CDS has facilitated community and village government to develop village disaster risk reduction and development plan. In 2016, the Sikakap Village’s Community Development Committee (LPM) and Berkat Lama sub-village’s Community Resilience Unit (SATLINMAS) developed a proposal for rebuilding water tank in the sub-village. CDRM&CDS and community have jointly rebuilt the water tank. Community contributed building materials such as sand, pebble and timber, while CDRM&CDS contributed manufacturing materials like cement for the building. Now villagers can get water easily. The water tank has recovered the community peaceful life as they can get water close to their house from the water tank” said Markus proudly.

Written by: Elyandu, CDRM&CDS Community Empowerment Facilitator in Sikakap Village, Mentawai Islands

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Yamifati Mendrofa sudah 11 tahun mengajar di SDN 07 1031 Nazalou Loluwa, Kepulauan Nias. Pada 2013, ia mendapat kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan pengajaranbagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK), yang difasilitasi oleh CDRM&CDS. Ia menceritakan pengalamannya setelah mengikuti pelatihan tersebut.

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Bualasokhi Waruwu (15), seorang anak difabilitas yang sudah ditinggal ibunya pascagempa Nias 2005 lalu, tetap semangat belajar di kelas 5 SD walaupun sudah 4 kali tidak naik kelas. Namun siapa sangka di balik keterbatasannya, ia bisa mengembangkan usaha ternak ayamnya sendiri. Bualasokhi hidup bersama sang ayah, Fao’aro Waruwu (51), yang selalu mengajarinya. Sayangnya, Fao’aro tidak bisa membantu Bualasokhi untuk belajar, karena ia tidak bisa membaca dan menulis.

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