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Kerjasama CDRM&CDS-UHN dan Gereja AMIN membangun Gedung Serbaguna di SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1 di Nias
CDRM & CDS - UHN mendampingi masyarakat dalam mengelola sumber penghidupan di Nias
CDRM & CDS memfasilitasi pelatihan keadilan gender bagi Gereja Mitra - GPP di Medan
CDRM & CDS - UHN mendampingi kelompok pengolahan, peningkatan nilai jual serta pemasaran produk oleh-oleh khas Mentawai
Program dari Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM & CDS) Universitas HKBP Nommensen, berfokus pada pengelolaan resiko bencana, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan penelitian. CDRN & CDS bekerja di 3 wilayah proyek, yakni: Pakpak, Pulau Nias, dan Kepulauan Mentawai.nSaat ini CDRM & CDS membutuhkan staff untuk ditempatkan di Wilayah Pakpak dengan posisi sebagai berikut :
Jabatan : Community Empowerment Facilitator (CEF) / Fasilator Pemberdayaan Masyarakat - 1 (satu) orang
Lokasi : Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Obestaf Sakerebau (68) and Sumi Astuti Siritoitet (56), elderly husband and wife living themselves in Barat hamlet of Silabu Village as the three children of them have got married. They have been participating in CDRM&CDS’ partner households empowerment program since 2016. “Though I’m old I have to do farming to earn my life. I grow banana, areca nuts, coconut and taro” he said telling his daily activity.
Just like other villagers, he has to farm and sell his production to collectors who come to his village. “I sell banana every two weeks. I also sell taro, areca nuts and coconut in harvest time. I earn IDR 250,000 on average monthly. This money is not sufficient to afford our daily stuff (rice, cooking oil, salt and side dishes). Sometimes I have to go fishing to get additional income. When we are out of rice, then my wife and I just eat taro” said Obestaf.
Obestaf and his wife have been active members of partners household that CDRM&CDS has facilitated to access health service from government. Recently they managed to get health insurance card from government. Obestaf told that they feel safer having access to health insurance. “Before having health insurance card I used to pay IDR 30,000 to IDR 50,000 for health check and medicine to Village Health Post and Sub-district Community Health Center (PUSKEMAS) as I suffer from TBC. It was very expensive for me. Most time when I felt sick, I used to refuse to see doctor as we didn’t have money. Thanks God in 2020 CDRM&CDS facilitated me and my wife to register and apply for health insurance from government and I finally got BPJS (health insurance) card in 2021. Now I have enjoyed free health services from government, I regularly check my health and get medicine for free from the PUSKESMAS and we really feel safer now with this insurance card. We thank CDRM&CDS and its donors to have facilitated us to access this public service. I do hope CDRM&CDS keeps on collaborating with communities and government”, said Obestaf to explain the benefit of having health insurance card for him and his wife and communities in Mentawai Islands.
Written by : Agustinus Nurianto Salaisek
The spread of Covid-19 throughout the world is increasing including in Indonesia.
In Mentawai Islands District, there were seven positive case of Covid-19.
The Society life became paralyzed and made their anxiety higher than before. For almost three months the community have to stay away from the crowd and religious activity has to stop for unknown time.
Mabola Hamlet, Sikakap Village, Mentawai, West Sumatra is one of the CDRM & CDS' assisted hamlets. This hamlet has some experiences in some various training such as disaster preparedness, advocacy and group capacity strengthening. Their village also used to be facilitated for the personal and environmental hygiene training. This made the community aware of viruses and gain an understanding of the importance in maintaining personal hygiene, especially hands adn enviruonment hygiene.
Mabola Hamlet is the only hamlet that has prepared themself for COVID-19. Since the COVID-19 issue spread, the hamlet'shead and the community prepared gallons and soap to wash their hands at the entrance to the hamlet, immediately. "Villager or those who visiting Hamlet should wash their hands first beofre entering the Hamlet area, "said the Head of Mabola Hamlet, Mr. Marlis Samaloisa who also in charge of the COVID-19 Task Force in Mabola Hamlet.
Margareta Sabelau (46 years) is a housewife with 4 (four) children. One of the family from Mabola hamlet that attended personal hygiene training and socialization to prevent transmission of COVID-19 to women. She began to understand the importance of personal hygiene in this pandemic era. She has learned that COVID-19 could infected a man by touching hands, droplet and touching objects that have been infected. One infectious person could transmit more than ten people", she said.
It turned out that with that understanding, she took the initiative to make a hand washing facilities in front of her house. It is intended that families or guests who come can wash their hands first before entering the house. By providing hand washing facilities, she can prevent the virus come in to her house and could infected her family later.
It could become an example and duplicate to other people. Margareta hopes that CDRM & CDS would always share various knowledge and information which are needed by the community so they could understand and responsive with the existing issues and looking for the solutions. "There is no need to provide physical assistance for all communities, with sharing the knowledge would be very helpful and thoughts come brighter," she said.
Preventing ourslef from COVID-19 should be start from ourself too than we should influence as many as we can.
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