Her kids motivated her to rise up. After the earth- quake, Yusnia started to get involved in the village organization and became a member of SATLINMAS, a community organization supported by CDRM&CDS. Satlinmas in her village is now active in tree planting and clean water facilities construction. By being actively involved in the organization, she has learned how to improve agricultural activities. Yusnia is now busy breeding pigs and cultivated banana farms in addition to rice farming.
“In our community it was uncommon to do such activity for a widow. However, being involved in the organization, I became more confident in public speaking and socialize in public.”
After the earthquake, the CDRM&CDS facilitated various trainings and programs related to disaster preparedness and economic empowerment. “The trainings
have benefited me a lot in enhancing my understanding about disasters. Especially since Tetehosi village is very vulnerable to fl oods, landslide, and tsunami.”
Yusnia gave an interesting example that in case of earthquake, she knows to avoid trees, cables, and electricity poles falling down on her. She also knows to send her kids to a safe place. She keeps a plastic jerry can tied in front of her house in case the sea level rises. In addition to trainings for villagers, CDRM&CDS has also facilitated disaster preparedness training for elementary students.
However, Yusnia admitted that her village is still very limited in resources for early warning system. “Each family has a kentongan (a drum like instrument made from bamboo or wood which is struck to sound the alarm) that they will use in case of disaster. The most important thing is not getting panic during disaster,” she told.