People living with dignity and empowered to achieve their universal rights.

The Projects Are Not Necessarily Big, But enjoyed By The Community

GKLI (Christian Lutheran Church of Indonesia) has partnered with CDRM&CDS since along and is one of the initiators of CDRM&CDS’ establishment. With trainings and micro project supports from CDRM&CDS, GKLI has undertaken livelihood improvement programs in the community. Rev. Ir. Bakti Sitepu, S.Th, told his experience partnering with CDRM&CDS:

By working together with CDRM&CDS, we hope capacity of our diaconal arms increases in several areas, such as proposal writing, micro projects, and diakonia works. This is the urgent need of small churches. CDRM&CDS has facilitated a lot of training for us. Actually we also received training from other institutions, but they are not applicable. After training, we could only transfered the knowledge to the community, without doing any community development projects. By partnering with CDRM&CDS, we are able to do development projects. These projects are not necessarily big, but relevant to and enjoyed by the community. I prefer with these small scale projects rather than with large ones without significant results.

Our church members were very enthusiastic to do these micro projects, because the projects that we proposed are based on their needs. We did corn and SRI paddy cultivation, and duck farming. The community also conducted recycling program for climate adaptation, and they were very enthusiastic to make bag from trash. Beside helping the community’s economy, this also help church’s economy as some of this project’s results go to the church. Hopefully this will continue.

We hope CDRM&CDS could encourage small churches more because big churches have already got sufficient human resources and funds. We hope CDRM&CDS would remain steadfast in facing various obstacles and challenges. I also understand that CDRM&CDS’ activity receive resistances from several churches, but go ahead. Keep forward!



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Porlak Nommensen
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Sumatera Utara 20135
Phone / Fax (62) 8227-7041-999


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Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Sumatera Barat 25391


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Gunung Sitoli, Nias
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