People living with dignity and empowered to achieve their universal rights.

Currently Community is More Aware with Difability

Yamifati Mendrofa has been teaching at public elementary school (SDN) 077 1031 Nazalou Loluwa, Nias Islands, for 11 years. In 2013 she participated in training on teaching difable children facilitated by CDRM&CDS. She told the following story of her experience after joining the training:

“I have participated in the training twice, the first one on children with visibility impairment, the second on inclusive education. I used to be ignorant of difable children and their rights to education.”

She told an example of difable student of a junior high school who was frequently beaten by his teacher because the teacher was unaware of hearing impairment of the student that had caused the student for sometime to refuse to go to school. “Now thanks God he goes to school after the student’s family explained the teacher about difability. After orientation and training, we are more aware of the rights of difable children. There are five difable children in my village and all of them have got education. CDRM&CDS has also supported them with pigs and chicken for farming, and school packages,” she said.

“I teach elementary third grade with two difable kids; one with hearing impairment and another one with phisical impairment. We welcome difable kids in this school. Difable kids usually go to special school in Gunung Sitoli which is very far from here. I always encourage and motivate the two difable students in learning. They are very active and diligent. One of them, Oliria Zega, surprisingly managed to be the second best in her class. She is a brilliant student even though she writes with only two fingers. She always greets me when we encounter. She never feels timid and always dress neatly.

The teachers in our school are proud of CDRM&CDS support with school equipment for difable kids and livelihood assistance to their family. Oliria’s family livelihood has improved, she can save some money she earned from a chicken farm. Before going to school, she feeds her chicken, and do the same when she return home. The support by CDRM&CDS to difable kids and their family are interested to others.

I hope more attention to and empowerment of difable kids in future. They have the same rights with other children. Hopefully more institutions will support
them in future.”

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Gunung Sitoli, Nias
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